Monday, 13 August 2012

Planet Earth on My Mind

Planet Earth on My Mind


A metal net
Wraps the entire universe
But a caged Bulbul

Copyright: Robert Genn

Violent Time

An escalating roar
Hidden below the glacial silence
In the heart of a summit




Copyright: Robert Genn

The Long Winter 

An ancient totem jury
Deliberating without passing judgement
On the cedar story gone awry

I just stumbled upon an old post by Robert Genn, 'Titles of Paintings' and found a Haiku hidden in the titles suggested by the fellow artist readers of this post along side his painting 'The Long Winter'. I requested Robert and he has been kind enough to allow me use his painting here in my post but you can better follow this link to his post and enjoy the Haiku moment yourself, your own private Haiku moment:

Kaal-Chakra: Loops of Entropy

A proud wall
Standing tall amid the ruins
Painted over a hundred seasons of rain
The wall of hundred frescoes
That together with fellow walls
Used to be the boundary of his home
A childhood home
Of which remains nothing
But the gravestone with flaky murals
Where he stands searching
Those long forgotten images
That a child once teased out of the stains
A damn fast stain
Defying attempts to wash off
A sky scrapper with a hundred flats
Resting on a design paper
Ready to replace the grave
The fate he sealed with an old sale deed
A noble deed
After a careful deliberation
Weighing hundreds against hundreds
The hundred pieces of art or
A space for hundred families
Pocketing many hundreds along the way
A long way
It will take to know the gains
A visit after another hundred seasons
To meet the same sky scrapper
But finding an eerie deja-vu instead:
A hundred better frescoes grinning from
A proud wall...(loop!)

It was a Zen moment, I was sad while thinking about my chilhood home that is falling apart, what all memories still dwell there, will it be good to let it go on like this, will it be good to sell, or shall I rebuild it and so on. Then I decided to write a couple of lines and after those two line, all lines appeared on their own without my active control; then I read the poem to know if felt all right and what I found was a revelation, a Buddha moment: what I was sad about, what I had come with and what I would take with I decided not to revise it or correct anything, even the repetions of the same words.

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